New to the Cipher Eye Media community, we will now be featuring Geekt. content on CIM's website! Covering all things in geek culture, Geekt. features videos and podcasts discussing video games, television, movies, and much, much more! I am very excited to have the opportunity to present to you this new content as part of the Cipher Eye Media network! My hope is to expand on the content that is presented to you outside of the content that I produce. As of right now, I am one-man producing team for Decipher the Media, play.matrix, and the other blogs on the side, and Andrew Wolf produces content for Theatre N'at, making our team very small. With the addition of Geekt. on our network, we have the ability to present to you more content on a more consistent basis, as well as present to you the work of talented individuals outside of the CIM network! Geekt. is also the host of their own podcast, The Blazing Fire Cast (available on their YouTube channel and iTunes). ...